

We propose solutions to the lack of qualified personnel

February 8, 2024


It is very common to see that we have solutions to many of the stones that life puts in the way, but these always require effort and a magic word CHANGE.

Without a doubt we are in a cycle of changes in all areas of society and the restaurant and hospitality sector is part of it. Topics such as the costs of electricity and gas, general inflation in food products or problems with personnel are topics of conversation in all sectors of the economy.

Regarding our sector, all solutions involve being prepared to make changes as quickly as possible. Businesses that may be able to make changes in the business model, in the way of working, in the team, in the kitchen or in any area of the sector will be able to survive and even grow, the rest is more than probable. that we should close.

In order to make changes quickly there are two important factors, innovation and technology. Innovating, contrary to what many of us think, is not synonymous with technology, but goes much further. You can innovate without using technology, simply by looking for a different way of doing the usual things and we will be innovating.

I remember a university professor who asked his students if they had come to the university the same way they usually come, evidently the majority said yes. Those who didn't, he asked them the reasons and depending on the answer he told them that in life they would be innovative and he left the rest as sheep of the flock.... The purpose was to make people think that change and innovation are linked.

After analyzing some of the general data of the sector, we have detected some repeated characteristics regarding the business.
For approximately a year we have been recovering information regarding the times that exist when a customer arrives at a restaurant, cafeteria, bar and leaves it.

In general terms we can divide it into the following:

  1. Time waiting for placement

  2. Time waiting to order

  3. Waiting time for dishes and/or drinks

  4. Meal and talking time (pleasure for the client)

  5. Waiting time to pay the bill

If the waiting times exceed the customer's pleasure times, the customer will not return to our business regardless of the service and products served.

Time is important both for the proper functioning of the business and for the team and its stress.

Solutions to the lack of Waiters

The lack of waiters in the restaurant and hospitality sector can be a difficult problem to solve, but there are some aspects that could help:

Offer better working conditions

They can offer higher salaries, better hours, benefits, and other perks to attract and retain employees.


Provide training and technological tools to existing teams to improve their skills and increase their efficiency and productivity. This could also improve job satisfaction and decrease employee turnover.


Automating some tasks, such as order taking and payment, can reduce the number of staff required in the establishment. IotTable is a clear example in this direction.


An incentive system can motivate employees to work more efficiently and productively, which could reduce the need to hire additional staff. Incentivizing tips can be a good initial strategy in that direction. In this sense, IotTable is also a clear example because it allows tips even if any payment method is used.

Flexibility in programming

Allowing more flexible work schedules, such as shorter shifts or the ability to work from home, can attract employees seeking greater flexibility.

Hiring of foreign personnel

Attracting employees from other countries to work in the restaurant and hospitality industry could be a temporary solution while long-term solutions are sought.

These are some of the possible solutions to address the lack of waiters in the restaurant and hospitality industry. It is important to keep in mind that each solution may have its own challenges and limitations, and that a combination of many other variables varies each business situation.

What is clear is that the key word is change

An innovative technological tool that can help us is undoubtedly IotTable.

Among the benefits of iotable is the possibility of reducing costs and increasing operational efficiency, improving customer experience and increasing sales. Additionally, iottable is compatible with a variety of devices and systems, making it easy to integrate with a restaurant's existing technology systems.

Overall, iottable seems to be a useful and promising solution for saving waiters' tasks and improving the management of restaurants and cafes. However, as with any technology, it is important to consider the specific needs and requirements of each business.